Jailbreak Help
- Softwareupdate Error (1 Reply)
- while trying to upgrade to 14.3 from 13.5 my phone got stuck with apple symbol with progress bar (1 Reply)
- CarBridge (5 Replies)
- How switch back to unc0ver from taurine? (0 Replies)
- checkra1n 12.2: IPad mini 2 iOS 12.5.x stuck on "right before trigger (this is the real bug setup)" step (0 Replies)
- Help with AltStore crashing (0 Replies)
- Cellular functions are broken on my iPhone X (0 Replies)
- Newbie here trying to use Jailbreak but problem w/ phone booting from DFU mode to iOS by itself (0 Replies)
- Update & Jailbreak (1 Reply)
- Need help iOS 13.6 Uncover Jailbreak on device resigning (1 Reply)
- how to downgrade ios 14.4 to 14.3 for (2 Replies)
- my tweaks aren’t appearing in my settings (1 Reply)
- Can I update my iPhone to unsigned iOS using shsh.host? (1 Reply)
- iOS 14.4 ispw (1 Reply)
- Still on iOS 12.1.2 A12 (3 Replies)
- Jailbroken iPhone 6 - MAC spoofing/change not working with mobile terminal (2 Replies)
- [Question] Could I upgrade a Jailbroken iOS 13 iPhone XR to 14.2 when the new Jailbreak released? (0 Replies)
- help a fella noob with his old iphone 3g - give it some life again. (2 Replies)
- ipad air iOS 12.4.9 (0 Replies)
- ios 13.3 on iphone SE - older SE A1662 - Been away, wondering what to do now (1 Reply)