A week ago, developer @axi0mX has released a new SecureROM (BootROM) exploit for iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 / 6 Plus, iPhone 6S / 6S Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7 / 7 Plus, iPhone 8 / 8 Plus and iPhone X on all iOS versions supported by these devices. Quite a huge range. Such an exploit hasn't been released since 2010. It's been 10 years and nobody expected this release.
Of course, with a SecureROM exploit like checkm8, it's possible once again to patch iBEC, iBSS, the Restore Ramdisk (ASR to be more precise) and of course patch or remove Setup.App from the ROOT File System DMG file (the largest in the iPSW archive). Carrying these modifications requires some reverse engineering skills but it's nothing too hard. iBEC and iBSS are bootloaders the SecureROM loads. They're crucial parts of the Restore or normal boot. We'd need to patch both iBEC and iBSS to skip any checks these do for SHSH2 blobs and for the checksums of the Ramdisks.
We need to also modify the Restore Ramdisk because it contains a binary called ASR ("Apple System Restore") which is responsible for literally taking the ROOT FileSystem DMG and burning it to the appropriate partition after the partition is created and after the ROOT FS DMG is verified against its checksum. This is where things would normally fail. ASR would complain that the DMG file doesn't match the normal checksum because you removed Setup.App from it (or patched it).
By patching ASR we ensure that it never stops the restore because of checksum mismatches so the modified ROOT FS goes through and all the rest of the files (LLB, AppleLogo, RecoveryMode, Stockholm, etc.) are not modified anyways. Of course, such a bypass would work, but it would be tethered. Every time you want to reboot the device it would require the computer and the ipwndfu software.
Such a bypass would not have a functional SIM card because there is no real Activation Ticket from Apple's Albert server.
Of course, with a SecureROM exploit like checkm8, it's possible once again to patch iBEC, iBSS, the Restore Ramdisk (ASR to be more precise) and of course patch or remove Setup.App from the ROOT File System DMG file (the largest in the iPSW archive). Carrying these modifications requires some reverse engineering skills but it's nothing too hard. iBEC and iBSS are bootloaders the SecureROM loads. They're crucial parts of the Restore or normal boot. We'd need to patch both iBEC and iBSS to skip any checks these do for SHSH2 blobs and for the checksums of the Ramdisks.
We need to also modify the Restore Ramdisk because it contains a binary called ASR ("Apple System Restore") which is responsible for literally taking the ROOT FileSystem DMG and burning it to the appropriate partition after the partition is created and after the ROOT FS DMG is verified against its checksum. This is where things would normally fail. ASR would complain that the DMG file doesn't match the normal checksum because you removed Setup.App from it (or patched it).
By patching ASR we ensure that it never stops the restore because of checksum mismatches so the modified ROOT FS goes through and all the rest of the files (LLB, AppleLogo, RecoveryMode, Stockholm, etc.) are not modified anyways. Of course, such a bypass would work, but it would be tethered. Every time you want to reboot the device it would require the computer and the ipwndfu software.
Such a bypass would not have a functional SIM card because there is no real Activation Ticket from Apple's Albert server.